Welcome to my website!

I am so glad you are here.

In addition to receiving news and updates about articles, events, and classes, I wanted to give something back to YOU! Here, I share some of my juiciest practices for getting present!

Below are free guided sessions. Most are short. These practices complement my book, Naked in the Now: Juicy Practices for Getting Present. The practice numbers correspond to those in the book.

Please experiment with these. I love hearing from people about their experiences. Feel free to contact me! Although we are each on a solo journey to being naked in the now, we benefit from supporting, encouraging, and sharing. Stay tuned for opportunities to become part of a community of juicy awareness practitioners!


Juicy Practices for Getting Present:

As you begin to work with these practices, know that I welcome correspondence with you. I hope you’ll contact me with your thoughts, comments, your highs and your lows. I look forward to hearing from you! It is my greatest desire to be your friend on this journey of self-discovery. Here’s to skinny dipping in the present moment!

#1: Kissing Yourself All Over

#2: Part 2 Being with Your Own Breath

#4: Prayer in the Heart

#2: Part 1 Being with the Breath of Another

#3: What Else is Here?

#5: Write Now Mind

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