Photo: Heart in Clouds by Amber Dawn Solmes

Love in the time of Covid-19

Write Now Mind—a virtual free-writing practice—was born, co-incidentally, right around the same time as Covid-19. A group of us, friends, family, writers and non-writers alike, committed to free-writing (writing non-stop without editing or filtering) for ten minutes to a weekly prompt. We shared our writing and offered each other encouragement and support, all anonymously. As we tentatively opened to whatever wanted to be said during this unprecedented time in history, with acceptance and without fear of reprisal, it felt like we were weaving of an invisible thread connecting us all, mirroring each other, enlivening each other. It felt like love to me. This made me curious about how others were experiencing love during Covid-19 and I put it out there as a general prompt, inviting anyone interested to write to the prompt “Love in the time of Covid-19.” You can read what some of those responses have been and if you feel motivated yourself to write to the prompt, please send it to me!

Previous Submissions

A Time of Gratitude and Self-Love by Jacki

Love in the time of Covid-19 was a time of gratitude and self-love for me. I was 5 years post-divorce and was struggling with a lot of loss. The loss of home, family-life as I knew it. I felt like the rest of the world caught up to me. It actually brought my adult...

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Little truths unveiled by Meg H.

Shutting down your heart is never the answer. Instead of crawling inside your brain and blocking out the pain around you, this is the time you should be learning how to love both yourself and others.Love can and should be shared everywhere. With your partner, with...

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Self-love in the time of Covid-19 by Amanda

What does love look like during a pandemic?   Since the onset of the pandemic, I’ve seen love emoted in various contexts and connotations, including ways that span borders and cross boundaries.  Families are outside riding bicycles around the...

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Anguish by M.R.

I was thinking about the word anguish today—maybe a result of too much crossword puzzling. My husband of 60 years descended into the hell of Alzheimer’s despite everything I tried—hundreds of supplements, special diet, walks everyday—it slowed down the process but...

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Stuck in love by Erika

I immediately feel gratitude for the situation I've landed myself in, seemingly planned, intricately, one step at a time, with timing calculated down to the day.  Alas, I did not have a master plan. It was the world scheming to take my ideal life to the next...

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Tiny pink blooms by Anita Sarah Jackson

Outside my window, just beyond the top of my laptop, there is a tree. In deeper spring, it blooms and blooms with small fluttering pink flowers that rain down on the sidewalk and all around-- the air becomes absolutely profligate with petals. But at the moment, the...

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