The other day, I dangled an idea in front of two-and-a-half year old June—probably about doing a craft together.
“Right now?” she asked eagerly. “Can we do it right now?!”
When I explained that we’d have to wait until later, disappointment crossed her face. For her, the only time worth anything is right now.
Later that week, I left for a 7-day silent retreat in the Oregon mountains, where we dove deep into the nature of reality and time. The teacher’s refrain stayed with me:
The only time that exists—the only time we experience—is right now.
June might have been onto something after all.
Reflecting on Time and Awareness
Of course, life demands schedules and planning. But this retreat reminded me how often our inclination to divide life into time segments keeps us striving for something…else. On retreat, we set that aside and return to the immediacy of “right now.”
This tendency was especially poignant for me as I navigated the retreat with a migraine that never fully let up. While medication dampened the intensity, the migraine’s presence became a teaching. Instead of resisting it, I used its pulsating flashes as my meditation object.
What I discovered was remarkable:
With my attention riveted on the sensations, the thoughts I had about the experience: “I hate this,” “I can’t handle it,” and “When will it go away?” faded into the background. I found myself simply present, resting in resting awareness.
There was nothing to fix, nothing to solve. Just attention, curiosity, and the gift of observing the ever-changing present.
A Poem from the Retreat
During this time, I wrote a poem, A Stone Lights the Way, inspired by the experiments and insights we explored. You can read it in full here, but here’s a glimpse:
In spacious awareness, time slows, attention widens. I glimpse the gap between breaths, which is not a “pause” as I thought —rather timeless emptiness
Returning to “Right Now”
Back home, I keep whispering the words “Now. Just Now” to myself, letting them guide me back to my senses, to the intimacy of the present moment—the only one there is.
And I carry with me the words that came to me on the last morning of the retreat:
Rest in resting awareness.
I want to practice this, and I hope to offer a reminder to rest—not in striving or fixing, but in awareness itself.
Good News
I’m thrilled to share that my article Practicing the Art of Affectionate Witnessing will be featured in Spirituality & Health Magazine (officially out December 6, but you can read it here).
In this piece, I explore how this practice deepens connection, transforms communication, and fosters presence. It beautifully aligns with what I experienced on retreat: the power of simply being with what is.
It was also such a joy this week to see a new review of Naked in the Now on NetGalley:
This is a collection of 34 different practices for being in the now. They are a great approach to mindfulness as everyone should find an exercise that suits them. A good creative resource suitable for all levels and ages. Good to give several a try and see what resonates with you. ~ jc C, Educator
As the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time to share the gift of presence. Books have that magical quality— you can repeatedly open them, finding something new. If you’ve already read Naked in the Now, I’d love it if you could leave a review! Reviews mean so much to authors and help others discover the book.
If you’re looking for a thoughtful gift (for yourself or a loved one), why not choose a sweet, cheeky little book on mindfulness? Let’s spread some mindful moments this season. 💛
Closing Reflection
As you go about your day, I invite you to experiment with “just now.” Can you pause to feel the weight of your body in your chair? Notice the soundscape around you? The movement of your breath?
Rest in resting awareness. There’s nothing to fix. There is nothing to solve. Just this moment, right now.
Beautiful, moss-covered trees at Collins Retreat Center and our meditation hall, or rather, “laboratory for sacred science”
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